While we tend to perceive the crises and trends of our times as parallel developments, they cannot be meaningfully understood separately. This does not mean that everything is connected. Still, the future is not a meaningful place if we approach each issue as an individual crisis to be dealt with so we can return back to normal. This is why we suggest looking at the bigger picture.
…a proactive imagination of a better tomorrow.Seeing them collectively changes our approach from constantly predicting the near future and from solving problems as they come, to that of a proactive imagination of a better tomorrow. A longer term view, if you may.
Notions such as a ‘nation’, ‘worker’, ‘science’ and ‘money’ are used as if they have always existed in our lexicon. In reality, they are just concepts that were made a reality due to previous historical transformations. It is but obvious that our current transformation will throw up new concepts and realities that stem from them.
But, we are often prisoners of what we aim to leave behind. The challenge is to be able to reimagine without falling into the conceptual traps of the past. We are often prisoners of what we aim to leave behind.
For instance, the idea that an individual’s materialism is good for collective wellbeing has lately been magnificently disproven. Although some politicians and corporations may parrot the simplistic idea that doubling GDP will double wellbeing, it is neither true nor ecologically viable.
One can argue that this deep interconnection between the crisis and our most deeply held beliefs can also be a good thing. They present us not only with a opportunity to fix problems as they arise, but with a responsibility to flip the system. Consciously that can only happen through imagination.
“The mind is an empty machine… It is shaped by the organisation of society and culture. In this sense, the history of politics is internal to the history of the mind.”
All these changes are happening at once
Since we have focused so much on fixing problems in the existing system we have done a poor job of imagining a new one. Consequently, we are not sure how to title the story of our future. This is why, we believe, the future is Untitled.
We, however, can attempt to get a sense of which direction to head in by refusing to abide by the current normal. In the foreseeable future, we attempt to imagine the unimaginable and experiment with what we imagine – the Untitled
“The defining human attribute is transcendence.
There is always more in us, in each of us
individually and in all of us collectively.”