There are a lot of possibilities creating new work in home environments from traditional maintenance to modern services, from gardening to food production, from community-based work to work as a capital and as a concrete tool in construction.  Integrating work and home has transformative capacity as it does not force the weakest among us to the labor market, where they perform badly or not at all. This could be experimented already in Y-Foundation’s or any other housing company’s properties: for example sharing tasks from the house, creating value trough community projects and the housing company actively seeking work from the markets.

The Y-Foundation is a Developer and Global Forerunner of the Housing First principle. The Y-Foundation offers affordable rental housing in Finland. The Y-Foundation is the leader in eradicating homelesness with its Housing First approach. Now it is setting a new standard where those in need will get a home and work combined. At the core of the idea is capital that the inhabitants create whilst working.

Twitter handles: @JKaakinen @lassyj @kimmoronka


Images: The Y-Foundation (c)