We as societies need to move away of our current forms of action based on extracting resources from people and the planet around us. This form of action is pervaded by a sense of separation from our own true nature, from each other and from the natural world around us. Moving beyond sustainable, we believe the future will be regenerative – finding harmony with our own human-natures and the wider nature of life on Earth. But what kind of organisations have a role in a regenerative future, and what are the characteristics of a truly regenerative organisation?

Agenda track: 1 Nature – human
Session type: New narratives
Day: Thursday 23 September

In order to open up possibilities for regenerative futures, we will need to reinvent our organisations. Join Halogen, Future Fit Leadership Academy and Demos Helsinki to explore the qualities of a regenerative organisation and discover how our business becomes life-affirming for ourselves and all life on Earth.

Our businesses are powerful forces of agency. Each organisation has both an inner-collective of people within its culture, and also a network of stakeholder relations and communities through its ecosystem connected through vision, values and value.

In enabling organisations to become more regenerative we unlock potential in the people and stakeholder communities touched by regenerative organisations, hence help system-change beyond reducing harm into life-affirming futures.

This two-hour workshop is for a diverse group of cultural creatives, social pioneers, leadership and organisational development practitioners, sustainability specialists and regeneration explorers.

A rich picture of themes will emerge from this session and be shared after the event with the
participants, along with information on the systemic tools, frames and methods used throughout the

Halogen is a cross-disciplinary design and innovation agency from Norway. halogen.no

The Future Fit Leadership Academy is a community of forward-thinking practitioners involved in transforming leaders and organisations. ffla.co

Demos Helsinki is a globally operating, independent think tank, which believes that
only together can we fight for a fair, sustainable, and joyful next era. demoshelsinki.fi