For those who are looking to enable a just and regenerative world, it is critical that we find ways to be closing the regenerative cycle.

Agenda track: 4 Heterodox institutions & 1 Nature – human
Session type: new perspectives

Interaction level: Most of the time
Movement level: None
Screen need: Needed all the time
Day: Friday 24 September, 11 am EEST | 8 am UTC

We are comfortable creating the new, but often skirt around the loss, closure, ‘release’ and death phase of change – even though they are an inevitable and necessary part of any change process.

It is essential we know how to work with these powerful forces as we continue to adapt to and live during a global pandemic, increasing impacts of climate change and as our regimes and ways of being crumble around us.

This session will be offering a series of metaphors and framing that help us to work with grief and loss in a tangible way. We will also spend some time witnessing and sharing with each other and experiencing the power of grief-tending practices.

This session is especially for those…

  • who know they haven’t processed grief and changes experienced throughout the pandemic and beyond.
  • who want to connect to what is really important to them and are unafraid of the intimacy of life.
  • who are open and curious.

The custodian of this session, Louise Armstrong has experienced the transformative potential of tending to grief and is committed to supporting a shift in the culture and practices through which we frame and work with loss and grief as a part of the cycles of change. This festival session is partly a test of the potential of this type of space and offering in supporting those living and working towards transformative change

Louise Armstrong enables and supports those committed to living change and who are running ambitious system-altering work and collaborations. She does this through emergent facilitation, system-change coaching, power-informed practices, process design, visual thinking, pattern spotting and navigating complexity. She has formerly worked for the Forum for the Future.
