There is a river in New Zealand that has been granted citizenship. What if everything were a citizen? In this session we look at the world from this perspective.
Agenda track: 1 Nature – Human
Session type: New perspectives
Interaction level: Some
Movement level: None
Screen needs: Possible to use audio only
There is an urgent and increasing understanding that humans’ relationship to the material and biological world is deeply flawed. At the same time there’s an increased understanding of non-human actors – from viruses to climate systems – playing a massive role in our everyday lives. However, “protecting nature” or “fighting the virus” for example seem approaches that do not address the real issues.
Could we instead give “everything” agency, see everything as a citizen that has rights and can make contracts with us?
The session is for all creatures interested in biodiversity, governance and exploring a vision of the world where humans are not at the center of it all.