As the world is in Transformation just including people to current projects and institutions is not enough. The right way would be to build a more just world together. We want to invite people to explore what comes after diversity and inclusion, how to centralize the marginalized and take on big issues such as just and fair distribution of value in the urban setting: in urban planning, in housing, in services, in public spaces and in work. When a new building is built, who benefits? Is the value distributed evenly and is there feedback to quality and Sustainability, 

How about the people who live in the neighborhood? The people who walk by? Do the buildings provide something good for the cities and communities? For whom do they provide something? The rich? The well off?

YLVA focuses on real estate and financial investments along with the hotel and restaurant sector. It is owned by the Student Union of the University of Helsinki and its profits are used to promote student activities. [ Source: ]


Twitter: @YlvaHelsinki

Images: YLVA (c)

Sustainability standards and green building initiatives are holding us back. Green building initiatives and Sustainability standards are masking the problem of over-consumption and as such, only Accelerating the Destruction of our livelihood. We need buildings that are not just sustainable or even net-zero, but ones that actually balance out the massive construction boom of this decade. We would like to explore the idea of ​​moving to regenerative real estate and urban development. One where each building would contribute more than it takes on all aspects of its existence. 

YLVA focuses on real estate and financial investments along with the hotel and restaurant sector. It is owned by the Student Union of the University of Helsinki and its profits are used to promote student activities. [ Source: ].

This session will be done in partnership with Living Future Europe. Living Future Europe (LFE) is a non-profit association with the mission to make the world work for 100% of Humanity. LFE will play an active role in championing  The Living Building Challenge in Europe, which is the world’s most rigorous standards for green buildings.


Twitter: @YlvaHelsinki

Images: YLVA (c)

What would a circular city look like if we started with people rather than materials? What would a Circular city look like if we designed for circular behavior? This is a shopping street where buying used children’s clothes is as easy, fun, and enjoyable as buying new clothes. It is a housing area where it is as easy to discard your waste as it is to connect with a neighbor to exchange small kitchen appliances. It is ground floor units where you can contribute to production (food, content, ideas) as you can consume (coffee, electronics, clothing). It is a community where healthy, sustainable, Delicious food is as affordable and plentiful as unhealthy, unsustainable Delicious food.

The city is the place in which these individual choices will be made. How might we design for the environments in which sustainable behavior is the default choice? How could we create better Collaboration between both the public and private companies and citizens to collect share the burdens of this Massive transition? How do we design for new structures, forms of Collaboration, urban systems Results from the session will be a starting point for a roadmap that will be open and publicly available online. How could the idea be experimented with? What else should change in order for what we imagined to become true?

Designers, entrepreneurs, corporations, city officials and economists interested in re-defining urban commerce would find this session interesting. We are interested in this approach because the circular economy holds endless potential, but current discourse, innovation, and focus appeals to technocrats and not to the Everyday consumers who will be key to realizing the potential. hy are you interested in the idea personally? Why do you think it has transformative capacity?


The session will be Hosted by Gehl CIO Jeff Risom and Director Liselott Stenfeldt, both are part of Gehl Innovation which focuses on establishing new partnerships and to use innovative tools and methods in order to reimagine concrete future scenarios for our Cities. Gehl is a human-centered urban consulting company based in Copenhagen, New York and San Francisco. Our focus is to create better Cities for people and to create beneficial relationships between People’s quality of life and their built environment.

Twitter handles: @citiesforpeople , @jeff_risom ,@liselott 


Photos: Gehl (c)

Bloomberg building – the most sustainable building in the world (98.5% BREEAM score).

The built environment should be reimagined. Decisions on designing, building, owning and operating buildings influence our lives and future massively. The model of property development is currently incapable of delivering truly sustainable buildings, in other words buildings that have a positive, even regenerative impact on our lives, communities and nature. We need to reimagine the basic institutions that govern buildings: the property rules and regulations, value creation, capturing and distribution mechanism, agency as well as material and natural cycles. 

YLVA wants to explore how aiming to build a series of the world’s most sustainable buildings, could change the entire property industry. There is a number of “the world’s most sustainable buildings”, but they remain anomalies. Ylva wants to experiment with a new model, “ learning for regenerative urban fabric”  (LRUF), which is a new way of vision-driven, Collaborative and open source development of the built environment, that has the capacity to become the standard, worldwide . To support the LRUF model development Ylva is a) creating systematic frameworks to accumulate and share knowledge b) establishing a community of partners c) spreading and legitimizing radically sustainable building practices and d) developing a series of buildings.

Bosco Verticale -a green building in Milan

Each experiments in the series of the world’s most sustainable building is designed to push the industry’s limits further , at least in new ways for Collaboration and knowledge sharing, new ways of investing as well as planning and building the construction outputs. It also gives for the property industry agency and responsibility to change itself. We need partners to develop and experiment with new building solutions, development sites and funding to continue the series and p eer-organizations for radically open knowledge sharing.

YLVA focuses on real estate and financial investments along with the hotel and restaurant sector. It is owned by the Student Union of the University of Helsinki and its profits are used to promote student activities. [ Source: ]


Twitter: @YlvaHelsinki

Images: YLVA (c)

Our idea is to create large lifestyle housing for people that want to go to zero-carbon and live with nature with gardening as well as produce food with modern aquaponic methods. This would increase the speed of sustainable lifestyle change due to peer-learning and innovation and less need for leisure travel. This idea has transformative capacity as it can bring together people and thus speed up innovation to jump to sustainable lifestyles. And we believe this can be done at a mass affordable scale with a carbon-neutral wooden construction.

The idea can be experimented with choosing a few existing housing companies primarily people who have a desire to live ecologically and with nature and using that as the Testbed for things to have in new developments. This session should be interesting for anyone in architecture, construction, food production, property, city or urban planning, as well as people who want to live in the zero-carbon future.  

The Y-Foundation is a Developer and Global Forerunner of the Housing First principle. The Y-Foundation offers affordable rental housing in Finland. 

Twitter handles:  @JKaakinen  @lassyj  @kimmoronka


Images:  The Y-Foundation (c)

There are a lot of possibilities creating new work in home environments from traditional maintenance to modern services, from gardening to food production, from community-based work to work as a capital and as a concrete tool in construction.  Integrating work and home has transformative capacity as it does not force the weakest among us to the labor market, where they perform badly or not at all. This could be experimented already in Y-Foundation’s or any other housing company’s properties: for example sharing tasks from the house, creating value trough community projects and the housing company actively seeking work from the markets.

The Y-Foundation is a Developer and Global Forerunner of the Housing First principle. The Y-Foundation offers affordable rental housing in Finland. The Y-Foundation is the leader in eradicating homelesness with its Housing First approach. Now it is setting a new standard where those in need will get a home and work combined. At the core of the idea is capital that the inhabitants create whilst working.

Twitter handles: @JKaakinen @lassyj @kimmoronka


Images: The Y-Foundation (c)

Kasia Molga will present her work “By the Code of Soil” done in Collaboration with the musician Scanner . The work was developed within S + T + ARTS Vertigo Residencies and took place alongside the Grow Observatory , a citizens’ Observatory that has empowered people and whole communities to take action on soils and climate across Europe. 

The session includes a screening of the work By the Code of Soil followed by a discussion of the project by artists and guests. The work mixes various dynamic data from soil sensors, combined with more Static data on soil texture and season, into a system of visual noise.

“By the Code of Soil is about handing over power to the land – to soil – and depicting it as a first and foremost living organism; not as a resource whose capacity must be maximized for our own benefits. Soil with all its Myriad of processes happening there all the time is like a matrix of the computer – an Invisible force and organizational structure binding all components of the Biosphere together. In times of uncertainties and transitions we need to pay attention to what is Invisible, possibly more than to what is in front of us. – Kasia Molga.

Kasia Molga is a designer, artist, creative technologist and environmentalist in heart. She calls herself a “design fusionist”. She reimagines our relationship with nature, while questioning our technologically mediated perception of the environment – and the technology itself. Kasia’s work is part of a Collaboration between S + T + ARTS (Science, Technology & the Arts), an initiative of the European Commission launched under the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and Untitled. STARTS’s purpose is to support Collaborations between artists, Scientists, engineers and researchers to develop more creative, inclusive, and sustainable technologies.

Scanner (British artist Robin Rimbaud) traverses the experimental terrain between sound and space connecting a bewilderingly diverse array of genres.


Website Links:

Images: Kasia Molga (c)

Today’s Internet is becoming increasingly centralized, slowing innovation and challenging its potential to revolutionize society and the economy in a pluralistic continent. DECODE is a project in which practical alternatives will be developed for managing online identity, personal and other data and collective governance in a citizen-friendly and privacy-aware fashion. Larisa’s work ‘Data Union Fork: Tools for Data Strike’, realized in Collaboration with the DECODE project  asks what it means to Strike in the digital domain and how citizens can mobilize and organize for collective action. The Fork encourages audience reflection on critical issues arising from persistent personal data harvesting, digital surveillance and profiling.It also engages the participants to think how collective action could help regain control and redefine the value of data collected whilst promoting solidarity and mutual aid.

During the workshop, participants are invited to explore collective bargaining in the Labor union tradition through ‘word & image example mapping’, a subverted software design methodology, and investigate what is a breach, how to communicate alert, mobilize and organize citizens locally and across Neighborhoods.

Larisa Blazic is a London-based artist focusing on critical examination of digital technology, its impact on power relations, dominant narratives surrounding it and the consequences of lack of ethical consideration and / or framework in the world of digital innovation. Over the past 20 years, Larisa has been combining hybrid interests ranging from the creative use of the Internet to intersections of video art and architecture and has initiated, collaborated and participated internationally in projects ranging from to FLOSS art and design. Larisa’s work is part of a Collaboration between S + T + ARTS (Science, Technology & the Arts), an European Commission initiative launched under the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and Untitled.STARTS’s purpose is to support Collaborations between artists, Scientists, engineers and researchers to develop more creative, inclusive, and sustainable technologies. 



The COVID Pandemic has forced all the governments in the world to react and change rapidly. However, when we start coming out, the real Transformation work starts. How can governments reimagine themselves, not as agents of industrial growth, but as Arenas of Imagination and experimentation? I nstead of going back to the unsustainable normal, how can we take a new direction? In this conversation, we will discuss these particularly in the context of education and life-long-learning.

The purpose of this session is to find new viewpoints for the current Finnish government from the UNTITLED community. We will explore what education and learning means in a post-industrial and post-growth setting, where the purpose of developing oneself is not solely being able to compete in the labor market, but also to provide a wider benefit to society. 

Li Andersson is the Minister of Education in Finland. She is the Party Leader of the Left Alliance.


Twitter: @liandersson

Bio and Photo: Ministry of Education and Culture (c)

In the time of Planetary and Cognitive capitalism, the total, Extractive logics of the market seek to expand and tap into every potential, transaction, aspect and material of our world and bodies – and also our time. No habitable positions remain “outside” the terrain of profit.To Survive, we all develop defenses against it, and adjust the set of compromises made when inhabiting it.

How do we live “within and against” commodified time? What time is love?

Tuomas Toivonen is a Helsinki-based architect and musician. In 2005, he founded NOW Architectural Studio in partnership with his wife Nene Tsuboi. In 2013, Toivonen and Tsoboi notably designed a public sauna called The Culture Sauna. In addition to Solo musical projects, Toivonen also performs with the Giant Robot music group. [ Bio Source: Finnish Design Shop ]

Twitter: @tuomastoivonen

Website: NOW