Autonomy, an Untitled member, is co-running the world’s biggest four-day work week experiment to date. In June 2022 more than 3,300 workers at 70 UK companies began a trial of a four-day week with no loss of pay, including businesses ranging from a local fish and chip shop, to large financial firms, telecomms companies and a brewery. Running for 6 months, Autonomy will be co-ordinating the trial, along with 4 Day Week Global, the 4 Day Week campaign, and researchers researchers at Cambridge University, Oxford University and Boston College.

The trial is based on the 100:80:100 model – 100% of pay for 80% of the time, in exchange for a commitment to maintain 100% productivity. Researchers will be analysing how employees respond to having an extra day off, in terms of stress and burnout, job and life satisfaction, health, sleep, energy use, travel and many other aspects of life.

Photo: Kai Bossom

Peopl around a table exploring the relationships between different goals in the Pittsburgh region.

Untitled and Pittsburgh-based DISCOVER network, coordinated by Sustainable Pittsburgh, share similar aims of creating shared narratives of just, equitable & sustainable transformation and building coalitions. Untitled and DISCOVER partnered in spring 2022 to increase alignment and potential for strategic collaboration between select Pittsburgh nonprofits and community-based organisations. Leaders from 11 different organisations joined the programme.

In the monthly sessions the group explored the interconnectedness of regional goals for 2030, as well as imagined different pathways and joint experiments to achieve them. Untitled Team and the programme manager Katie Grimm from Sustainable Pittsburgh led the sessions.

Systems level conversations are valuable but rare

The core value of the programme proved to be the shared space to reflect the change and one’s own work at the systems level with other leaders. This is almost a luxury amid the pressures of daily work.

”These workshops expanded and refined my mental map of systems change. Having the time and space to explore these concepts with such a great group of leaders was a gift”, says Scott Wolovich, Executive Director of New Sun Rising, of the programme. Lydia Morin, Executive Director of CONNECT, shares the experience: ”I’m thrilled to have built deeper relationships with leaders working in and around the areas I work in. We definitely need to keep building on this and our relationships!”

The program manager Katie Grimm is happy with the outcomes: We pushed our leaders to have a systems-level conversation they have been flirting with and which seems to be rare elsewhere. In the short time we had, we were able to create a culture and trust for it. Untitled brought a very different, galvanising lens and language to the work: Its view of one transformation and interrelated crises. The message that we are transitioning into the next era.”

The programme was supported by The Heinz Endowments. The participants were:

  • Jason Berry, Director of Applied Research of UrbanKind Institute
  • LuAnn Brink, Chief Epidemiologist at Allegheny County Health Department
  • Karina Chavez, Executive Director of Pittsburgh Council on Higher Education
  • Lora Dziemiela McKnight, COO of Vibrant Pittsburgh
  • Hannah Karolak, Director of Executive in Residence Programs at The Forbes Funds
  • Markese Long, Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Community Engagement of Partner4Work
  • Lydia Morin, Executive Director of CONNECT
  • Joylette Portlock, Executive Director of Sustainable Pittsburgh
  • Angela Reynolds, CEO of YWCA of Greater Pittsburgh
  • Sarah Rosso, Executive Director of Hugh Lane Wellness Foundation and
  • Scott Wolovich, Executive Director of New Sun Rising.

In 2020 we at Untitled did something no one knew was possible: we organised a festival online. We also did it in 2021, improving the concept based on the first year’s lessons.

In 2022 an online festival is not really the thing to do. This spring, we have been bringing people together to discuss and work in smaller groups over longer periods. We’ll continue doing that in autumn.Untitled Festival, as we’ve known it, takes a break this year.

We are also eager to find more opportunities for in-person gatherings. After two years of on-screen friendship, the Untitled team has had the pleasure of some of our members, such as Gabriella Gómez Mont from Experimentalista and Anthony Zacharzewski from Democratic Society, visiting Helsinki. From March till June in Pittsburgh, we brought together a cohort of nonprofits to work face-to-face, equipped with big papers, pens and even some good old post-it notes. The power of in-person encounters has been more than invigorating. We wish to have more of them while keep on meeting also online for frequent conversations across the globe.

In autumn, it is time to take stock after 2,5 years of experimenting on what we call Untitled and steer together its next phase. If you want to be part of this conversation, let us know.

Read more:

Untitled’s Agenda for Transformation is a co-developed, evolving project. Some interesting broader themes and patterns emerged from the conversations across the 40 sessions at Untitled festival to inform the agenda. Here, we have curated four of those shared themes that illustrate the how, why, and what of the transformations that the Untitled community wants to bring about.

To explore all the session comments and links between different themes uncovered at Untitled Festival 2021, have a look at the Agenda Landscape.

1. Move away from a human-centric worldview
A question that we asked ourselves was: what is the worldview or ideology that we are trying to walk away from? A human-centric worldview was cited by many to be a contributor to the challenges that humankind faces, such as climate change. Mikko-Pekka Hanski stepped away from this worldview in his future relationships talk show, which featured non-human guests, including an AI and mushrooms. Indy Johar from Dark Matter Labs imagined a worldview where everything is a citizen, and our biological world and climate systems have intrinsic rights as well. 

“If we want to create a new system, we have to do it from a new way of thinking and a new way of imagining, otherwise we’ll just recreate the same old structures. Here on this Agenda, we include ways of knowing that go beyond the rational, and reach for a deeper sense of being. Something to take away from this process is to continue enabling ‘imagination interfaces’, so that cross-disciplinary actors, artists, policy-makers, and people working within the current system can collaborate, share and learn.”

– Phoebe Tickell, Moral Imaginations

2. Incorporate more imagination, humanity and overlooked knowledge in debate and decision-making 
Another strong theme was the necessity for deliberative and decision-making innovations, to make transformations inclusive, empowering, and effective in bringing about more fair, sustainable and joyful societies. Alliance members Demos Helsinki and RadicalxChange introduced their humble governance experiment in Colorado. Humble governance is a governance approach that emphasises devolving the solution finding for political goals to people with expertise, knowledge and first-hand experience, as well as trying to listen to those most often overlooked in political processes. RadicalxChange also showcased their online platform RxC Voice, which aims to overhaul online discussions to gravitate towards consensus, rather than conflict.

In moving away from the powerlessness of people to make change, with the Alternative UK participants got to explore a Parallel Polis; community networks that increase agency in coming up with solutions to the issues of today, by promoting local-level cooperation between entrepreneurs, civil society organisations, and other community members.

Gabriella Gómez-Mont claimed that the long political crisis we are living through can hardly be solved by adding more top-down-participation or by only trying to renew electoral systems, unless the very infrastructures of democracy and imagination are rebuilt. One answer might lie in moulding public spaces into civic spaces that help create a sense of agency, empower people, explore how to release civic capital. They should also add a spirit of experimentation and play into the urban experience.

3. Transform structures and institutions as we know them
An important aspect of introducing societal change is understanding how this change is brought about, and what its implications are for existing structures and ways of thinking. DRIFT, in their X curve of societal transformations, explained how new ideas do not simply add something to society, but they must simultaneously break down the old to make space for the new.

Halogen & Future Fit Leadership focused on the actors that will be bringing about these new changes, and explored how we can reinvent organisations to imagine the future, rather than innovate within the existing system. This is crucial to enabling structural, cultural and ontological transformation, as businesses and other organisations play a key role in shaping the world of tomorrow.

“Historically, we’ve always been operating with experiments in the implied order, the “real world” of embedded structures. Here, at Untitled Festival, we appreciate the shifting social landscapes and have grasped the freedom to imagine and develop new ideas through this reciprocal alliance. These ideas are compiled in the Agenda, which is a coevolution between our internal conceptions of ourselves, our relationships, and the world around us. ”

– Indy Johar, Dark Matter Labs

4. Cultivate our caring and interconnectedness with people, community and all things around us
The necessity to move away from a self-oriented mindset became another key theme of the festival. This paradigm shift enables us to shape social transformations by increasing our sense of interconnectedness, belonging, and wellbeing. Akunna Onwen allowed us to explore how increasing Community Care can improve our sense of belonging, and even function as a healing tool in societies. Pehmee, in their Helping You to Hear Me session encouraged us to actively listen to the stories others were telling, by recounting them as literally as we could. The seven artists at the Live Artists’ Think Tank discussed the idea of freedom not as something that individuals own but as relational; something that is gained through realising and respecting our interdependence with others, the living and non-living. You can listen to the Think Tank’s introductory talk on freedom.

These highlighted sessions contain but a few of the excellent ideas explored at Untitled festival. Over the coming months, our agenda and theory of transformation will be built upon the foundations built at the festival. Alliance members have also formed agenda groups, which will continue exploring some of The themes, and the tensions, obstacles and pathways of societal transformation.


Photo of Sophia Wekesa leading reflection and release at the closing session of Untitled Festival 2021 by Janette Mirjamo.

The second Untitled festival in September was an experiment on developing an agenda for transformation together. Each session was a building block of this agenda. To bridge the diverse topics covered across the two days, we asked the hosts to contribute insights from their sessions on the ongoing social transformation to our agenda development process.

The ideas from the sessions documented by their hosts and the links between different topics can be seen in our Agenda Landscape, which provides a bird’s eye view of the agenda tracks and discussions that took place in the festival sessions. 

All in all, the festival provided an excellent opportunity to discover various radical ideas and perspectives from across the world. We believe we can safely say that it was also successful in making us reflect upon our methods of making a change and interacting with each other. 

Generating insights for the agenda would not have been possible without the positive and active engagement of all of our 350 imagineers (as we call the festival participants), from 34 different countries in all inhabited continents. The level of engagement and quality of conversations amazed many of our session hosts. This magic of the Untitled community we’ve experienced at the festival both years. Us at the Untitled team do acknowledge our share in creating the magic: we put a lot of effort in who to invite, in setting the tone before the Festival and creating an intimate, brave and playful (online) space. Still, the participants exceed our expectations.

“I wish I could attend every session. It was an invigorating experience that reminded me that thinking big is not extravagant but necessary. Congratulations and gratitude to every person and organisation who is holding this space and believing in inspiring possibilities for the future. Thank you.” – feedback from a Festival participant

The festival allowed us to make good progress towards compiling the agenda, but the work has only begun.

One aspect of the agenda that did not come through strongly during the festival is the tensions and conflicts that arise when weighing our visions and plans for societal transformation. This was not unexpected, as it is often easier to concentrate on the things that unite us, and work towards consensus. 

However, understanding the inevitable tensions that arise with new ideas, and the apprehensions some may have with certain paths of societal transformation allows us to improve our approaches in a safe environment.

Moving onwards from the festival, we continue our long-term agenda process co-developing different aspects within the Untitled Alliance. Different members of our community have a particular expertise or interest in specific elements of the agenda, such as reimagining democracy and governance, technological development, or the premises of economies. How these different ideas and viewpoints will create a shared agenda for transformation is an interesting exercise.

The process of creating our agenda is experimental and mutually shared. There is no individual creator of the agenda, as it is based on the insights, innovations, and viewpoints of the members of our community. Its content will always evolve to reflect the shifts in our thinking and the world around us.

Jointly, we will be taking steps in the coming months to take forward both our agenda for transformation and the method to create it. Following the festival, different Untitled members will form groups to continue exploring and working on different aspects of the agenda.

If you have good (or bad) experiences on collectively creating an agenda, please contact us, we would highly appreciate your insights!

The application round has closed and we have filled this position! Does the idea of working for fair, sustainable and joyful social transformation in Pittsburgh together with a global community light you up? Then join the Untitled team. Apply by the end of Tuesday the 16th of November.

Untitled is a community and space for social imagination and experimentation to bring out the next era after the societal crisis. Untitled invites pioneering thinkers and doers to come together to reimagine the society, to form unlikely alliances and to initiate real-world experiments together.

Untitled is now looking to connect with nonprofit organizations, community and grassroots groups in the greater Pittsburgh area to collaborate together and with the Untitled Alliance. We are looking for a diverse group of people who are pushing an agenda of social change, and would benefit from getting involved with progressive peers across the world. Working in partnership with Sustainable Pittsburgh, the 6 month program will be a mix of collaborative working with Pittsburgh-based actors and linking their work with the global Untitled community.

In order for this to happen, the Untitled team is looking for a colleague to support the day-to-day activities of organizing a community in Pittsburgh. This would include engaging with local grassroots and community-based groups and nonprofits, coordinating Untitled activities in the area, and connecting different Alliance members.

Role & Key Responsibilities

The role of the Project Manager of the Untitled Pittsburgh Partnership Project (UP3) is to ensure smooth provision of the duties and administrative support to the Untitled team.

The key responsibilities of the role are:

  • Community management: identifying, engaging with, and coordinating with a group of nonprofits and grassroots groups in the Pittsburgh area and connecting them to global Untitled Alliance members. 
  • Event coordination: planning, managing and marketing events related to the project.
  • Facilitation of project strands: create a comfortable, accessible environment for exchange of ideas and opinions by running workshops/meetings and reporting on these to key stakeholders and wider audience.
  • Project coordination: working collaboratively with team members across the consortium to support the management of the project.

Given the complexity of the role, the coordinator will need to be highly organized, with an ability to navigate complex team structures and maintain a focus on the overarching outcomes of the project. Ability to operate at different levels is essential – whether local, global and in different environments that span individual, organizational, informal and formal.



  • Demonstrable self-motivation and the ability to work under your own initiative.
  • Proven ability to work effectively with teams.
  • Confidence in communicating with a wide range of people.
  • Highly organized with the ability to maintain a detailed overview of all aspects of the project and support partners to effectively deliver activities on time.
  • Well-developed IT skills, specifically confidence in using Google’s G Suite.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, including negotiation and diplomacy.
  • Ability to effectively build and develop relationships with a wide range of people in different sectors.
  • Excellent attention to detail.
  • Excellent time management skills, including the ability to be flexible, respond quickly to changing demands, effectively prioritise and meet deadlines, and work in a fast-paced environment.
  • Strong network with civic, nonprofit, and community engaged actors or organizations in the Pittsburgh area
  • Have the ability to engage and motivate others and generate a working culture among partners which supports creativity, positivity and innovation.


  • Proven ability to research, understand, assimilate and effectively communicate complex concepts to a variety of audiences.
  • Proven ability to lead project work effectively. 
  • Outstanding and innovative communication skills, especially the ability to communicate complex ideas in a creative, articulate and confident way and to adapt language to varied audiences.

What would it be like to work on Untitled?

Our ethos of fighting for a fair, sustainable, and joyful next era is visible every day. We approach societal change pluralistically – we encourage open discussions to avoid simple truths. You will be working with an international group of brilliantly curious and challenging people at Sustainable Pittsburgh, the Untitled Team and beyond.

We are committed to building a diverse and inclusive community, a place where we can all be ourselves. We commit to treating each other with dignity and respect and do not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment.

Salary and Benefits

This is a six-month, part time, non-exempt position. This position is offered at a wage of $31.50/hour for an estimated 16 hours/week.

Application Information

Position will be open until filled. Applications encouraged by November 16, 11:59 pm. We seek a candidate who is interested in sustainability, social transformation, and familiar with groups working on social equity and sustainability in the greater Pittsburgh area, and who is willing to work with a transnational network of change agents!

Applications consisting of a cover letter and resume can be submitted directly to

In your application please

  • mention when you would be available for starting the work (we are flexible)
  • how you got to know about this open position

The Biodiversity Building is a brand new concept for an apartment building aimed at radically increasing the sustainability of affordable housing. The wooden building aims to protect biodiversity and reduce the carbon footprint of housing. Also, the idea of the Biodiversity Building is to encourage its tenants to participate in and commit to a sustainable and community based lifestyle and urban farming. The concept is being developed by the Y-Foundation, one of the biggest affordable housing providers in Finland and a champion of the Housing First principle in Finland and abroad.

The development project of Biodiversity Building strives to investigate how the technical and spatial solutions – such as use of the ground and the roof level – of a wooden apartment building could be used to protect biodiversity and absorb carbon. Also, the model for resident participation is being designed based on Y-Foundation’s previous work and benchmarking. For the tenants, the building will provide the opportunity to lead a low-carbon lifestyle and grow their own food whilst living in an apartment.

The Biodiversity Building is in design phase and with Untitled Festival participants The Y-Foundation wants to test ideas and solutions found, as well as look for cues for answers still missing. The goal is to have the first building built in a few years time.

The Y-Foundation’s (Y-Säätiö) mission is to enhance social justice. They do this by developing social housing for the largest Finnish cities lacking affordable housing. They build housing units where support services are easily available as well as state-subsidised rental homes. The work of the Y-Foundation relies heavily on their strong expertise on issues relating to homelessness and the Housing First principle.


What if you could build a social agenda at a festival? And not any kind of an agenda, but an Agenda for Social Transformation. On the 23rd–24th of September we are going to give it a go. Every session at the Untitled festival builds towards our agenda for transformation.

The 2021 Untitled festival is not just another event after which we go back to our daily lives and the world remains unchanged. It brings together new perspectives, narratives and models for reorganising life. We all know this: In order for civilised life to exist on this planet, we must uproot our ways of living and fundamentally reimagine our central institutions: how we come together to produce, consume, govern, relate, care, share and create. 

Most people understand this need for change. Most agree that the current decade is critical. But we are still lacking a clear transformative agenda, and this is why we constantly revert back to our previous ways of thinking.

In other words, we should start envisioning an agenda for transformation. This agenda should not be just for sustaining, protecting and mitigating risk to current institutions built for an era of pursuing individual success at any cost. It should be one that honours the fundamental truth of interdependence of all things living and material.

UNTITLED is an experiment on imagining a transformative social agenda – we will start building it together at our second annual Festival on the 23rd and 24th of September. It brings together activists, theoreticians and practitioners of social change from the Untitled Alliance and beyond.

Three components of the agenda

But, what do we really mean by this agenda for transformation? We at Untitled Alliance have sensed a demand for a deeper understanding of at least three components of current social agendas – narratives of change, models for organising life and novel perspectives on our world. To help us improve on these components, there are three kinds of sessions at the festival:

New Narratives

An agenda for transformation needs to improve upon the currently dominant narratives on change in society. That is why Festival’s participants are hosting a number of sessions dedicated to jointly developing new narratives of transformation. Some of these include: Politics of Being, New Geography of Living, Anti-Rival economies and Heat Resilient Cities. We further invite proposals for other novel narratives of social change.

New Experimental Models

An agenda for transformation needs radical ideas on how to reorganise life on our planet. That is why there are a number of sessions where new experimental models are developed by their initiators and co-creators, such as Free Houses, Trees as Infrastructure, Long Term Care Centers, Biodiversity Buildings and Civic Spaces. We encourage you to propose new experimental models to be included in the agenda. 

New Perspectives

An agenda for transformation must not only offer narratives and institutions, but it should also offer entirely new ways of seeing the world, and use these perspectives as a basis for our future thinking. That is why we have a number of New Perspectives sessions for artistic, novel and weird ways of working with the world, including Grief as an Overlooked Force of Change, Freedom is Relational, Breaking through the Sugar Glass, From S-curve to X-curve, Everything is a Citizen and Expanding the Rave.

A journey into the unimagined

Untitled festival collects people who work at the forefront of social and ecological transformation to a journey into the unimagined in order to return with an agenda for social transformation. 

The festival is the first step of this process. It will initiate a debate on the agenda for transformation. We fully acknowledge that the first version of an agenda will be contradictory, yet believe that openness and inclusivity in the way it is built is crucial. It will be a work in progress, a living document. We are committed to allow the agenda to evolve until it becomes a description of the reality around us. In order to be able to reach the goal, we need to start, and define the untitled.

At Untitled Festival, you can become a custodian and organise a session. You can also join as an imagineer to contribute to the work set up by the custodians. Attendance is by invitation or by application.

Welcome to start the trip to imagine, work and play together.

Join the post-festival Saturday matinee / after party: Live Artists Think tank


One of the new perspectives Untitled promotes is the idea of a new kind of freedom. Freedom as a relational idea, a freedom that is gained through interdependency to others – the living and non-living.

The idea of freedom as something that individuals own has run out of steam. We have the honor to offer to the Untitled Alliance and its wider community a ”Live artists think tank” that dives into, interrogates and performs this idea.

On Saturday the 25th seven artists gathered together by Andrea Pagnes will open their unique way of working with the world, how they see the agenda tracks of Untitled and what the artistic relationship to the society can bring to the transformation at hand. It is a way to digest, chill and innovate the imaginaries that the festival has presented to us.

This session is open to all public. Sign up and share the invitation with friends and colleagues on social media!

Meet the artists:
Chinasa Vivian Ezugha, Nathalie Bikoro, Marcel Sparmann, Joseph Morgan Schofield, Benjamin Sebastian, Verena Stenke and Andrea Pagnes from VestAndPage.

Chinasa Vivian Ezugha
Chinasa Vivian Ezugha is the Community Engagement Officer of ‘A Space Arts’, a Southampton-based arts support group. Chinasa graduated from Aberystwyth University, School of Art in 2014, after which she worked for the Welsh Government, having been awarded the Windsor Fellowship. Since then she has worked with various arts organisations, focusing particularly on working with isolated communities in Norfolk, and recently in Portsmouth. Chinasa is also a professional artist; performing at both national and international festivals; including recently at SPILL Festival of Performance Art.

Nathalie Bikoro
Nathalie Anguezomo Mba Bikoro merges installations, sonic radio, live art performances, film & archives. Her work analyses processes of power & fictions in historical archives critically engaging in migrational struggles. Much of her work has focused on marginalised communities, such as the voices of African women’s resistance movements and the architecture of racism in cities. She is the recipient of several awards, including Fondation Blachère & Afrique Soleil Mali for Best Artist Dakar Biennale (2012), Arts Council England (2016), Goethe Institut (2016) and many more.

Marcel Sparmann
Marcel Sparmann is a German visual artist, working in performance art, theatre, dance, public art and installation. After studying Theatre, Performance Art and Environmental Art in Germany and Scotland, Sparmann now works internationally, both as artist and researcher in Residence. Furthermore, he has presented as a guest lecturer for Performance and experimental theatre including theatre pedagogy all over Europe, North and South America, China and Japan. 

Currently holding guest teaching positions at several German universities, Sparmann lectured at international institutions. Supported by Goethe Institute, he participated in renowned Performance Art festivals and Biennials, such as the Venice International Performance Art Week, 1st Bienal Internacional de Performance de Caracas, Xi’an Live Art Festival, the Houston Performance Art Biennale as well as many others.

Joseph Morgan Schofield
Joseph Morgan Schofield is an artist working with performance, moving image and expanded forms of writing. Articulating their practice as ‘queer ritual action’, their work is broadly concerned with desire, particularly in relation to ecology and queer futurity. This queer ritual action foregrounds the immediacy of the sweating, wanting, sensate non-binary body. Understanding art-making as a technology of divination, they consider their work to be a tool for the creation of contemporary myth; a site for the work of mourning, yearning, processing and communing.

Understanding acts of gathering and communing as central to their practice, Joseph’s work incorporates curating, producing, facilitating, mentoring and teaching. Joseph organises FUTURERITUAL, a performance and research project considering ritual and queer futurity, and co-produces Move Close. They are a co-founder and facilitator of The Sunday Skool for Misfits, Exprimenters and Dissenters and Live Art Club (London).

Benjamin Sebastian
Benjamin Sebastian is a visual artist and curator. Sebastian’s practice is born out of an anxiety of living. Examining the environments, Sebastian uses his body (and those of others) as a departure point, searching for reason in the irrational and the profound in the mundane. His work is interdisciplinary and not bound by any one medium, historically locating itself within lineages of appropriation art, assemblage, installation and performance. Paper, thread, porn, fire and gold make up many of the materials he returns to with imagery of intimacy and alienation utilised to evoke a sense of longing and familiarity. In the face of the inevitability of death, how should we live? With this question in mind, Sebastian attempts to make sense of living.

Verena Stenke and Andrea Pagnes from VestAndPage
Since 2006, German artist Verena Stenke and Venetian-born artist and writer Andrea Pagnes have been working together as VestAndPage, and gained international recognition in the fields of performance art, performance-based film, writing, publishing, and with collective performance operas and temporary artistic community projects. For over a decade, VestAndPage have been exploring performance art and filmmaking as phenomena of ‘thin places’ through their collaborative creative practice, as well as through theoretical artistic research and curatorial projects. 

They have produced their body-based art among others under Antarctic glaciers, at the Himalaya foothills, in the vastness of Tierra del Fuego, in abandoned factories, Russian enclaves, or inside the dark depths of Southern German prehistoric cave systems. Their works – a celebration of life – have been presented in museums, galleries, theatres, cinemas and a variety of sites worldwide. Their theoretical and poetic writings have been extensively published and translated for international readers.

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