The COVID Pandemic has forced all the governments in the world to react and change rapidly. However, when we start coming out, the real Transformation work starts. How can governments reimagine themselves, not as agents of industrial growth, but as Arenas of Imagination and experimentation? I nstead of going back to the unsustainable normal, how can we take a new direction? In this conversation, we will discuss these particularly in the context of education and life-long-learning.

The purpose of this session is to find new viewpoints for the current Finnish government from the UNTITLED community. We will explore what education and learning means in a post-industrial and post-growth setting, where the purpose of developing oneself is not solely being able to compete in the labor market, but also to provide a wider benefit to society. 

Li Andersson is the Minister of Education in Finland. She is the Party Leader of the Left Alliance.


Twitter: @liandersson

Bio and Photo: Ministry of Education and Culture (c)